The employment training and economic development department (ETED) creates and provides training, counseling, employment, and job retention for adults of all ages. Our Senior Community Service Employment Program (SCSEP) refers eligible participants to job training programs such as caregiver or custodial, or on-the-job training at nonprofit host agencies. Our purpose is to enhance their independence, self-esteem, and quality of life. We combat poverty by supporting older and displaced workers through each step of the job seeking process from training and counseling to job placement and retention.
Our senior community service employment program (SCSEP) allows participants to enroll in classroom training programs in housekeeping and home health aide or on-the-job training. ETED has received grants from the Mayor’s Office of Economic and Workforce Development (MOEWD), Mayor's Office of Community Development (MOCD), Employment Development Department (EDD), Human Services Agency (HSA), National Asian Pacific Center on Aging (NAPCA), Alameda County (AC), etc.
Since 1972, over 3,700 older workers have been trained and placed in jobs through our training programs in partnership with City College of San Francisco - Chinatown/North Beach Campus (CCSF). More than 95% of the workers that we have trained have been placed successfully over a ten year time period.
Neighborhood access points are located all over the San Francisco area as training facilities. They provide workers with access to services that will help them with their job search and employment help.
Self-Help for the Elderly wants to help you find employment. Give us a call today to learn more about our employment training and how to get started.
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